2006-07-15 18:36:00
看到这里好多人摄影技术都不错,不知道大家有没有想过sell your photos。这里有一些网页可以帮助,赚钱大小不是最主要的,如果你的作品经常被下载,那么你的知名度就会提高。这个貌似和摄影也有些关连,但还是发在这里了。
- istockphoto.com
The powerhouse of royalty-free. It was recently bought by Getty Images. Success means exclusivity, though: Photographers say it has become more picky about who can join and what they can upload—which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Shooters typically earn 20 cents on each $1 download purchased.
- shutterstock.com
A fast-riser, the site now boasts more than 27,000 photographers, with almost 775,000 royalty-free images. Photographers who prefer it cite its open environment and lively forums. The company pays 25 cents per download.
- dreamstime.com & bigstockphoto.com
Two popular, moderately-sized sites. Dreamstime, based in , has over 400,000 total images, while the Davis, CA-based BigStockPhoto has about 360,000. Both pay photographers at least 50 cents per download.
- fotolia.com
Based in , this microstock site allows photographers to set their own prices, depending on how frequent a seller they are. Beginners can charge up to $1 for a medium-sized download and then receive at least 33 percent of the sales price.
- alamy.com
This British site is a favorite of the Stock Artists Alliance’s Betsy Reid, because it gives photographers the option of selling their images royalty-free or with traditional licensing arrangements. Photographers set their own prices and get at least a 65 percent commission on sales.
how much a night, oh, I mean, a shot.
how much a night, oh, I mean, a shot.
very very cheap, the most i can get is only 2 quarters. so i need to sell more. the more, the better, and the richer i will be
(too bad i cant do more in one nite.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-15 23:21:41编辑过]
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