2006-10-20 15:26:00
6月时我去看牙,牙医要我7月定appointment, 说是
包含在我的dental insurance里的。我就7月去做了牙。 可现在牙医诊所要我付大量的钱。说是exceed the insurance limit. 怎么办? 是他的误导使我决定要在他那里看牙的。可现在又说我的保险不
cover, 我该怎么办呢? 怎样去argue呢?
你的牙医和你的保险公司有contract吗?如果有的话,exceed the insurance limit的钱你不用付。
以下是引用concord在2006-10-20 15:36:00的噢你发言:
你的牙医和你的保险公司有contract吗?如果有的话,exceed the insurance limit的钱你不用付。
你的牙医和你的保险公司有contract吗?如果有的话,exceed the insurance limit的钱你不用付。
我打电话给我的保险公司,他们说这是我跟牙医之间的事。 有什么法律我可以用吗?
It seems that you'll just have to bite the bullet and pay it.
My dentist once messed up my insurance filing. They got the insurer's name wrong! And the claim of course was rejected. The the dentist office didn't let me know for a couple of months, and just classified it as unpaid. And they almost reported me to the credit rating agency for late payment!
They lost my business for sure. But my husband still goes there!!!!
refuse to pay
I have the same experience. He assured me that it wouldn't exceed the limit but finally it did for more than $700 and for that portion, he charged me based on his office rate which is much higher than the insurance company required for their in network dentist. When I called to argue, he said that's how much he should be charging and I could ask the insurance company if I didn't believe he's right. I asked the insurance company and I ended up paying around $200 which was based on my insurance company's in network rate. I guess you can argue part of it but not the full amount and he must charge you base on the insurance company's rate instead of his own rate. Also, in the future, you should ask your dentist to do a pre-assessment/evaluation and get approval from the insurance company before starting the treatment. That way you know for sure how much it's going to cost before hand. In addition, if you know how much you have to pay out of your own pocket, you should put the money aside in your company's flexible spending account.
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