[灌水]eloan 也要开始hold转帐了
2006-12-16 23:01:00
可恶啊,前两天刚刚抱怨完everbank,当时还觉得等introductory一完就把俺的钱钱转回eloan去,谁知现在也要hold了。。。好象ING也改成要hold 5天了,有同学知道还有哪家不hold,利息也还不错的么?
Dear xxxxx,
We have modified your E-LOAN Deposit Account Terms and Conditions. Please take a moment to review the changes, which are outlined below, by clicking here.
These revisions clarify the following policies:
1) Availability of Funds: Funds deposited into your E-LOAN account will automatically be placed on a five (5) business day "hold" before they are available. This will apply to any deposits made through the E-LOAN account transfer process.
Please note that this will not apply to any funds you have deposited from external sources. This may include direct deposits from Social Security, or other regular deposits, such as your payroll check.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-16 23:02:34编辑过]
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