2007-01-04 10:27:00
哪位大侠给科普一下, 如果credit card 每次没全付清, 会有什么后果。 我的citi忘付了, 而且over the limit, 被告知APR 20%, 是什意思?
1) Not paying all the amount is not a issue, as long as you paid the min payment.
2) If you forget to pay it at all, then it can be a issue. Better call Citi to tell them you simply forget to pay, and if it is the first time, hoping they will remove the fine.
3) over the limit is a issue.
4) If APR increases, usually it means they think your risk is increasing. Not a major issue itself (of course, you will pay more interests under that), but the cause (the above ones) can be some issue.
Finally, having credit card debit is a bad thing, should try to avoid.
Just my 2 cents.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-4 10:50:18编辑过]
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