Personal life[edit]
Susie Wiles was married to Lanny Wiles, a fellow Republican political operative, with whom she moved to Jacksonville in 1985.[5] The couple divorced in 2017.[3]
Following Trump's inauguration, her daughter Caroline Wiles was hired by the White House as deputy assistant to the president and director of scheduling.[27] The Washington Post noted that Caroline Wiles had an "unusual background for a senior White House official", noting that her sole educational qualification was an incomplete degree from Flagler College. Caroline Wiles became the fourth-highest paid staffer on the 2024 Trump campaign, making $222,000.[22]
A further investigation revealed that Caroline Wiles had legal issues stemming from driving while intoxicated in both 2005 and 2007.[28] Caroline Wiles ultimately left the White House in February 2017 after failing a background check by the FBI.[11]
床铺long time 军师、幕后策化者、2024 campaign manager.
The first female chief of staff in history. 看报道是很厉害的幕后军师,Trump 这里没有歧视女性,能力强的上,不是看性别或是皮肤颜色。
The first female chief of staff in history. 看报道是很厉害的幕后军师,Trump 这里没有歧视女性,能力强的上,不是看性别或是皮肤颜色。
Susie大妈在周二川普胜选庆祝大会上。川普特别点名要她到前面来讲几句。她执意不肯,倒是她的副手,情绪激昂blah blah讲一大堆。当时想,这大妈是谁啊?这么低调。
希望这任命是真的,这样低调又有能力的女性 chief of staff 太赞了!
Susie Wiles 真的厉害,帮了Trump又干掉了DeSantis(DeSantis先背叛了她),低调,有手腕,会操控媒体,对Trump忠心。其实这才是最优秀的人才。其实吧,真的希望Trump第二个任期好好干,也许没那么可怕。(你想想,没有新冠的话,Trump必然连任啊)
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