2007-05-10 22:30:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-11 10:16:54编辑过]
我昨天把一个Japan的MF给卖了, 太英明了
今天这个大跌, 和去年流血的5月几乎同时开始啊
我昨天把一个Japan的MF给卖了, 太英明了
今天这个大跌, 和去年流血的5月几乎同时开始啊
以后你要short position的时候要上来给大家通知一声
我昨天把一个Japan的MF给卖了, 太英明了
今天这个大跌, 和去年流血的5月几乎同时开始啊
历史有一定的重复性, 但是完全照搬也是很难的.
2004, 05, 06连续三年, 每年都是四五月份全球股市出问题. 当然每次的起因不一样, 04年是受china, india经济放缓的利空消息影响带动整个consumer sector, commodity, transportation等等; 05年是GM downgraded to junk引起的ripple wave; 06年是Emerging markets全面correction, intra-month跌过25%...
Street is used to saying: "Sell in May, buy back in October."
Consider the record, which is pretty stunning. If you'd put $10,000 into the S&P 500 with a strict sell-in-May, buy-in-October strategy on May 1, 1950, you'd have ended 2006 with more than $600,000, according to calculations from Ned Davis Research. If you'd done the opposite, and invested every May 1 and sold every Sept. 1, you'd have $12,083. If you'd just let it ride in a buy-and-hold strategy, you'd have $129,515, according to S&P.
做股票之前就应该想好自己是投资还是投机, 没有事先的PLAN, 临时作出决定是最忌讳的. 既然初衷是想做FA, 就要对所选的股票的基本面好好分析, 并不是说市场有一点点动荡, 就受不了, 进进出出很频繁.
俺新手最大的敌人就是手痒呀! 还自以为是. 还想一夜爆富. 都是通病. :-(
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