[求助] 宝宝可以留下来吗?
2008-09-02 15:28:00
7月25日例假第一天,7月31结束。8月4号AA前没有采取安全措施,之后到8月13号之间都用避孕套, 并每次检查确认没有问题。8月15日全麻拔了智慧齿。8月13到21号,都没有AA。8月22号开始,没有采取避孕措施,因为觉得已经是安全期。结果8月31日发现怀孕了。
麻药成分包括 Propofol, Decadron, Versed, Ketamine)、止痛药和阿莫西林对宝宝有影响吗?
I was told by my OB that the first two week after conception nothing would hurt the embryo even you are put to sleep for surgery. My understanding is, usually, the development during the first two weeks is focused on the supporting tissues around the embryo instead of the embryo itself.
I just googled this website and you can read if you are interested.
However, if you are really worried, go talk to your doctor and do more research.
Ha, I just finished reading this website, and it does seem that the embryo does not start to develope until 13 days.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-2 16:02:50编辑过]
and, to be honest, i think you conceived before your surgery from the dates you gave.
I was told by my OB that the first two week after conception nothing would hurt the fetus even you are put to sleep for surgery. My understanding is, usually, the development during the first two weeks is focused on the supporting tissues around the fetus instead of the fetus itself.
I just googled this website and you can read if you are interested.
However, if you are really worried, go talk to your doctor and do more research.
Thanks for your replies! I will check this out.
and, to be honest, i think you conceived before your surgery from the dates you gave.
Could you please tell me why you think so? I did some research and it is said that the earliest stage that you may know you are pregnant from test stripes bought from pharmacy is 10 days after conceiving.
Would you please tell me first how many days your menstrual cycle usually is?
Usually, the MC is 28 days long. So, the ovulation is on the 14th day. Then according to your dates, you should be ovulating on the 8th. I don't think the egg will be able to stay alive for 12 days for you to conceive after the 22nd. Therefore it's more possible that your conceived on the 8th when you ovulated and the sperm was there waited for a couple of days already. As far as I know, the sperm can stay alive up to 5 days.
Correct me if someone has a second opinion, please.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-2 16:13:29编辑过]
Would you please tell me first how many days your menstrual cycle usually is?
Normally it is 30 days.
Normally it is 30 days.
That's not far from the norm. So, I think my calculation is valid. But, I do really think you need to talk to your doctor. Have you made your appointment yet?
Yes, I did make appointments with family doctor and OB. I just cannot help thinking about this.
Among those drugs used as Anesthesia, two of them may be harmful for the fetus, according to my research. So the key point here is if the drugs have any effect on the fetus in the first two weeks. And if it was conceived after the extraction, it would be better to settle my parents down.
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