DIY 问题~~
2004-01-24 23:42:00
大家新年好啊~~ 有点事想请教一下大虾们~~ 就是我想给我的车车modify一下~~ 想先换exhaust muffler. 我的车是93 civic, 2d coupe, 1.6L, 不知道装完后会不会明显感觉提高horse power~ 还有, 有哪些牌子比较好的? 在哪里买比较便宜, ebay? 大概多少钱? 还有cold air intake, 是不是很难自己装? 如果找车行装, 大概要多少钱? 还有, 哪些牌子的比较好? 恩.... 差不多了..... 大家随便给点建议吧~~ 多谢多谢了~~
还有, 祝大家猴年万事如意, 心想事成啊~
还有, 祝大家猴年万事如意, 心想事成啊~ order the parts, they are full bolt on kits, and have the store to put them up for u.
for a 93, guess u can juice it up, but sorry to say, car is little old to modify. i would not sup-up a more than 5 yrs old car. since it is ur 1st, i would say if it is still in good condition, put a good radio, and just drive it till i die on u, save the $ on the side, sup-up ur next ride.
for a 93, guess u can juice it up, but sorry to say, car is little old to modify. i would not sup-up a more than 5 yrs old car. since it is ur 1st, i would say if it is still in good condition, put a good radio, and just drive it till i die on u, save the $ on the side, sup-up ur next ride.
[此贴子已经被作者于1/26/2004 11:17:42 AM编辑过]
大的muffler 会导致后面的压力变小,所以马力反而会变小地.
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