2010-03-20 03:49:00
JULY 30, 2009
Tiger: Sent: 05:46 p.m.
Heading back from the course now.
Tiger:Sent: 05:52 p.m.
How close are you
Tiger:Sent: 06:01 p.m.
I will leave an envelope at the front desk under ms daniels. Your room will be 305. Get settled and let me know when you are ready to see me. I will be in room 201. You can come down the stair well next to your room. Make sure absolutely no one sees you...
JULY 31, 2009
Tiger:Sent: 01:27 a.m.
Did you get lost. Door is open
Tiger:Sent: 04:18 p.m.
Oh i know. Not at all. Just glad and suprised i can do that to you Im all clean. Come on down:)
Tiger:Sent: 04:22 p.m.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/20 3:56:51编辑过]
AUG. 29, 2009
Tiger:Sent: 03:19 p.m.
I need that so bad
Tiger:Sent: 03:29 p.m.
Tiger:Sent: 03:30 p.m.
Me to. I would wear you out
Tiger:Sent: 03:32 p.m.
I have no idea. I would love to have the ability to make you sore
Tiger:Sent: 03:35 p.m.
In a week. I will try to wear you out...
Tiger:Sent: 03:37 p.m.
Do you ever hook up with other guys or girls
Tiger:Sent: 03:41 p.m.
You didnt answer the question
Tiger:Sent: 03:43 p.m.
Ok. I would like to have a threesome with you and another girl you trust
Tiger:Sent: 03:48 p.m.
Does that excite you at all or no
Tiger:Sent: 03:52 p.m.
God girl. You better want to take care of me
Tiger:Sent: 03:56 p.m.
You do. Need more of it
Tiger:Sent: 03:59 p.m.
of you
Tiger:Sent: 04:02 p.m.
I want to treat you rough. Throw you around, spank and slap you..
Tiger:Sent: 04:08 p.m.
Hold you down while i choke you...
Tiger:Sent: 04:21 p.m.
Where do you want to be bitten
Tiger:Sent: 04:24 p..m.
Ok. Now your talking. Whatever i want. You are mine
Tiger:Sent: 04:39 p.m.
Whatever else turns you on
Tiger:Sent: 04:43 p.m.
You tell me what you like
Tiger:Sent: 04:48 p.m.
You are. Always will be. Don't trust people
Tiger:Sent: 04:48 p.m.
But you still have not told me what turns you on
Tiger:Sent: 04:53 p.m.
I know you have tried every positing imaginable but what turns you on besides ...
SEPT. 7, 2009
Tiger:Sent: 12:30 p.m.
I will be there before you for sure
Tiger:Sent: 12:35 p.m.
You just make sure you take care of me when you get here
Tiger:Sent: 06:28 p.m.
Tiger:Sent: 07:38 p.m.
Head to the elevators and go to 334. Thats your room. The door will be open with the dead bolt. I have to get back here to wait for the food. Im in room 358.
Tiger:Sent: 07:42 p.m.
Let me know when you are in the room. Food just got here
Tiger:Sent: 07:47 p.m.
Sweet. Dont come down here yet. Lots of people in the hall. I will let you know when it clears
Tiger:Sent: 08:16 p.m.
Are you close to being ready
Tiger:Sent; 08:32 p.m.
Come on down. Its quiet here in the hall now...
SEPT. 8, 2009
Tiger:Sent: 01:30 p.m.
Really. You. You have done just about everything havent you
Tiger:Sent: 01:32 p.m.
Never done it. I think i would get stage freight
Tiger:Sent: 02:28 p.m.
Tiger:Sent: 03:38 p.m.
I will be over in 10mins...
Tiger:Sent: 07:32 p.m.
You felt amazing to baby. How much was your flight by the way
Tiger:Sent: 07:35 p.m.
Having a few issues at home. Might be a little later before i see you tonight
Tiger:Sent: 07:39 p.m.
Parent hood melt down:)...
OCT. 1, 2009
Tiger:Sent: 06:02 p.m.
Baby im not going anywhere or doing anything. You please me like no other has or ever will. I'm not losing that. You have to understand people love to talk about me. sometimes its good and sometimes its bad. I have learned to just roll with it no matter how much it upsets me when its not true. My life is a fish bowl
Oct. 4, 2009
Tiger:Sent: 10:40 a.m.
Guys from dubai. Investors. So my agent being suggested that we go back to my room at the mansion for lunch. He doesnt know about us, obviously...
Tiger:Sent: 12:06 p.m.
Oh my god. If they were with me. You would have ruined everything
Tiger:Sent: 12:07 p.m.
I told you. Oh my god. I cant believe what just happened
Tiger:Sent: 12:08 p.m.
Don't ... talk to me. You almost just ruined my whole life. If my agent and these guys would have seen you there...
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