遇到难题了(i have made up my mind now)
2004-11-17 15:15:00
正在准备申请绿卡公司的律师好黑。我们自己要交8000块,我们有规定不可以用外边的律师。当然,又省钱的办法--结婚。可男朋友到现在还没有求婚。虽然我们也谈婚论嫁过,不过恋爱中的亲亲我我的话,我真的不敢全都当真。星期一我们部门经理就要整理材料给上边批了。不知道该怎么办,其实可以和男朋友讲明白问他什么时候有结婚的打算,到了现在这样,我们没有什么不可以讲明白的,不过,不想让他觉得好像是我在逼他结婚,或者是要利用他。可真的想,如果我们早晚要结婚的话,这么多钱岂不是白白浪费。 姐妹们给我出个主意吧。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-18 13:01:24编辑过]
看过"sex and the city"吗? charlotte asked the guy while they are having dinner in a resturant "why don't we get married?" the guy answered "all-righty". Why don't you ask your bf like charlotte did.
I would pay by myself---since you are working, it's llike one month salary,right?---be independent all the way through the marriage!
just in case something happened later between you two, no excuses for him or his family...
just in case something happened later between you two, no excuses for him or his family...
ask him his thought, do not mention marriage, just ask hie should you apply for this way, see what he says, you can also find out his thought on getting marry with you as well
If I were you, I would pay for myself.
to be honest, 8000 is not a small amount for me. I have to loan from my parents at this point. cannot afford it. of course the lawyer cannot take credit card. I just feel i have owed my parents too much. I know all of these are not good execuse for mentioning this to my bf. It is not the way how the marriage comes. To be honest, i believe it is just timing problem, we must get married sooner or later. If it is the case, I just wanna spend the money in some other way, which could be on our new house, our new car, for our kids.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-17 15:33:50编辑过]
以下是引用lemoncandy在2004-11-17 15:29:56的发言:
以下是引用HappyFeFe在2004-11-17 15:23:49的发言:
I would pay by myself---since you are working, it's llike one month salary,right?---be independent all the way through the marriage!
just in case something happened later between you two, no excuses for him or his family...
I would pay by myself---since you are working, it's llike one month salary,right?---be independent all the way through the marriage!
just in case something happened later between you two, no excuses for him or his family...
一个月的工资? 真的高估了太多了。
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