2005-02-13 20:01:00
什么区别? research scientist/research assistant professor. 都是staff么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-13 21:39:50编辑过]
neither tiel is about 学医???
以下是引用qyyq在2005-2-13 21:35:00的发言:
neither tiel is about 学医???
neither tiel is about 学医???
写的不太清楚, 见谅见谅啊.
research scientist and research assistant professor are both supported by research grants. No fund, no job. As a research assistant professor, you may work at a department but no tunure-track, no teaching task. Generally speaking, yes, both are staff, they are NOT regarded as tunure-tracked faculty position.
以下是引用roseprimrose在2005-2-14 15:04:00的发言:
research scientist and research assistant professor are both supported by research grants. No fund, no job. As a research assistant professor, you may work at a department but no tunure-track, no teaching task. Generally speaking, yes, both are staff, they are NOT regarded as tunure-tracked faculty position.
mm is so knowledgeableresearch scientist and research assistant professor are both supported by research grants. No fund, no job. As a research assistant professor, you may work at a department but no tunure-track, no teaching task. Generally speaking, yes, both are staff, they are NOT regarded as tunure-tracked faculty position.
以下是引用roseprimrose在2005-2-14 15:04:00的发言:
research scientist and research assistant professor are both supported by research grants. No fund, no job. As a research assistant professor, you may work at a department but no tunure-track, no teaching task. Generally speaking, yes, both are staff, they are NOT regarded as tunure-tracked faculty position.
research scientist and research assistant professor are both supported by research grants. No fund, no job. As a research assistant professor, you may work at a department but no tunure-track, no teaching task. Generally speaking, yes, both are staff, they are NOT regarded as tunure-tracked faculty position.
哎. LD要换的TITLE就是research assistant professor. 在偶们专业, 还算是faculty位置的. 看来在医学研究领域, 还是staff范畴. 钱也不多, 就是学校挺牛. 犹豫着, 倒底去不去呢?
重要的是tenure-track, 这个你ld应该清楚,钱还是第二位的
I know some research assistant professor can later on find a
tenure-track independent investigator position. So there is hope there.
I am a Ph.D candidate in BioMed research field, i have the impression
that research assistant professor is better than research scientist,
but it's right that both are not tenure-track.
if the univeristy is top-rank, your husband's sponsor boss is a big
name in the field, I guess it does not hurt to stay as a research
assistant professor for a few years before he can find a independent
position. He should be able to get nice publications during this time
and more experiences.
good luck.
tenure-track independent investigator position. So there is hope there.
I am a Ph.D candidate in BioMed research field, i have the impression
that research assistant professor is better than research scientist,
but it's right that both are not tenure-track.
if the univeristy is top-rank, your husband's sponsor boss is a big
name in the field, I guess it does not hurt to stay as a research
assistant professor for a few years before he can find a independent
position. He should be able to get nice publications during this time
and more experiences.
good luck.
以下是引用LGO在2005-2-17 23:19:00的发言:
I know some research assistant professor can later on find a
tenure-track independent investigator position. So there is hope there.
I am a Ph.D candidate in BioMed research field, i have the impression
that research assistant professor is better than research scientist,
but it's right that both are not tenure-track.
if the univeristy is top-rank, your husband's sponsor boss is a big
name in the field, I guess it does not hurt to stay as a research
assistant professor for a few years before he can find a independent
position. He should be able to get nice publications during this time
and more experiences.
good luck.
I know some research assistant professor can later on find a
tenure-track independent investigator position. So there is hope there.
I am a Ph.D candidate in BioMed research field, i have the impression
that research assistant professor is better than research scientist,
but it's right that both are not tenure-track.
if the univeristy is top-rank, your husband's sponsor boss is a big
name in the field, I guess it does not hurt to stay as a research
assistant professor for a few years before he can find a independent
position. He should be able to get nice publications during this time
and more experiences.
good luck.
终于确定了LD这个research assistant professor是个faculty位置. 不过不是tenure-track. 还不知道能不能申请得到. 因为他老板pay得太低, 可能不够学校的最低水平.
他老板在他们领域名气不大, 年纪轻和产量不错, 和和. 慢慢混吧.
research assistant prof 是最低级的faculty,基本上就是二老板,
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