Say It Right —— 来说说名字模模糊糊种类繁多的柑橘类
2010-03-01 12:53:00
这个方法不错,马上来试试看,正好上周在costco买了一袋柚子. 一般放多久换掉呢?
What is Pomelo?
Larger than a grapefruit, the pomelo is also sweet, with a very thick skin. In fact, the grapefruit is the result of a pomelo-orange cross, as the tangelo is the result of a tangerine-pomelo cross. The fruit has a pear like shape, but is far larger. It can be close to 12 inches (30 cm) across at its widest point and weigh up to 22 pounds (about 10 kg).
The pomelo has a light green rind that becomes mostly yellow when fully ripe. The interior of the fruit is a coral pink when ripe. Pomelo trees prosper best in tropical or near tropical climates, so there are few pomelos far north of the equator. Some pomelos have been grown successfully in the relatively mild climates of San Diego, California and parts of Florida.
Pomelos ripen in winter, as do many other citrus fruits. They can often be found in local grocery stores throughout the world around the end of December, although they may be found in some locations from late fall to spring.
Chinese cooks use the pomelo in various foods, but primarily for desserts. The rind can be candied or is used in dessert soups. The peel may be used to add flavor to main courses. The British export the pomelo and use the peels in marmalade.
In Vietnam, people gather the luscious blooms of the pomelo to make perfume. Ancient alternative medicines suggest the fruit may have been used to calm seizures and coughs. A preparation of the leaves is applied to skin swellings and said to cure ulcers. Brazilians use the bark and sap of the pomelo to make a thick cough syrup.
原来是这个样子,我还以为自己鼻子不灵. 改天试试橙橘类的皮.
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